Posts by Collection
SVRG meets AdaGrad: Painless Variance Reduction
Towards Noise-adaptive, Problem-adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent
Sharan Vaswani, Benjamin Dubois-Taine, Reza Babanezhad, ICML (Long Presentation), 2022. [Paper]
Fast Stochastic Composite Minimization and an Accelerated Frank-Wolfe Algorithm under Parallelization
Benjamin Dubois-Taine, Francis Bach, Quentin Berthet, Adrien Taylor, NeurIPS, 2022. [Paper][code]
Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Phase Unwrapping
Benjamin Dubois-Taine, Roland Akiki, Alexandre d'Aspremont, ArXiv, 2024. [Paper][code]
Frank-Wolfe meets Shapley-Folkman: a systematic approach for solving nonconvex separable problems with linear constraints
Benjamin Dubois-Taine, Alexandre d'Aspremont, ArXiv, 2024. [Paper][code]
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
TA, McGill University, 2018
For the classes:
COMP330: Theory of Computation
MATH 254: Honours Analysis 1
Graduate Teaching Assistant
TA, UBC, Department of Computer Science, 2019
For the classes:
CPSC532M: Machine Learning and Data Mining
CPSC221: Algorithms and Data Structures